The Cathedral is celebrating Say Yes! to Kids Sunday on May 26. The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is inviting and encouraging all parishes across the country to celebrate Say Yes! to Kids Sunday (June 2, or another designated Sunday), a new 2024 feature of AFC's Say Yes! to Kids movement, now in its 4th year.
The Cathedral has been successfully involved in the Say Yes! to Kids campaigns since the beginning, and 2024 will continue that legacy.
This year, the Cathedral Church of All Saints is once again partnering with the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement by launching a Say Yes! to Voices of THR!VE campaign in support of THR!VE Education’s unique show choir for girls in grades 5 to 12.
THR!VE offers faith-motivated, life-transforming programming for youth. Through loving personalized attention, high expectations that inspire greatness and magical outside-the-box experiences, THR!VE empowers young people to come fully alive to their own rich God-given potential and encourages them, by example, to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of a THR!VING life.
And for every $20 donated to our Say Yes! to Voices of THR!VE campaign, $4 will support the
Anglican Foundation's grants to national youth ministries.
Please join us for our Say Yes! to Kids Sunday on May 26 and give generously to this year’s
Say Yes! to Voices of THR!VE campaign.
Show your support! On-line is easy: