Giving Made Simple

Giving and Stewardship

The Cathedral Church of All Saints exists today through the gifts of time, talent, and treasure of both past and present members of the Cathedral community. We are grateful for our forebears and those who give today that ensure faith formation, belonging, and outreach continues.

Every gift is important for the giver and the receiver – be that your time, prayers, skills, and finances. Each gift you give continues the work of our church now and for future generations. 

Ways to Give

Please note that accumulated gifts over $20 will be receipted so long as the giver can be identified.


Credit and Debit card donations may be made by clicking on "Give" below. You can donate one-time or set up recurring giving.


Pre-Authorized Giving

You can sign up for Automatic Offering by bank withdrawal. You are welcome to do this online here or you are welcome to print and complete a Pre-Authorized Giving form and return it to the Cathedral Church through the offering basket on Sunday, dropping it off at the office during the week, scanning and emailing it to Sarah Underwood, Office Administrator, or mailing it:

Cathedral Church of All Saints
Attn: Sarah Underwood
1340 Cathedral Lane
Halifax, NS B3H 2Z1

Interac Etransfer

Donations may be sent via Interac transfer from your bank account. 
Here’s how:

  1. Log in to your financial institution’s online or mobile banking and navigate to Interac e-Transfer.
  2. Select the account that you would like funds transferred from.
  3. Enter the amount that you would like to send.
  4. Add recipient, Cathedral Church of All Saints
  5. Add email address,
  6. Please indicate your name and address in the ‘message’ field of your e-Transfer if you would like a tax receipt.

Cathedral Offering Envelopes

You can contribute using our offering envelope program. Please contact the Cathedral Office via phone at 902-423-6002 or email Sarah Underwood, Office Administrator, to arrange to have a box assigned to you. 

Mail in Contribution 

In the form of a cheque can be mailed to the Cathedral Office.

Cathedral Church of All Saints
Attn: Sarah Underwood
1340 Cathedral Lane
Halifax, NS B3H 2Z1


Through the offering basket or Tap to Give. Note that you cannot receive a receipt for Tap to Give.

A Gift of Securities

Donating publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other securities allows you to claim back income tax and avoid paying capital gains tax – increasing your donation to the Cathedral Church and reducing your tax bill. To make a gift of securities, please contact Lois Marshall in the Finance Office or visit our CanadaHelps page here and select Donate Securities. You will receive a tax receipt for the full appreciated value of the donation.

We thank you and deeply appreciate your generosity.